Get in Touch With Us

Assistance League of Redlands is supported by both monetary and in-kind contributions from members, individuals, businesses and foundations. Contributions are tax-deductible. View our Donor Privacy Policy View our most recent Form 990 and Annual Financial Statement Assistance League of Redlands is listed with GuideStar/Candid. To make a monetary contribution, make your check payable to "Assistance League of Redlands", 700 E. Redlands Blvd., P. O. Box U290, Redlands, CA 92373, ATTN: Treasurer. Our Tax ID Number is: 95-2131653

    Assistance League Redlands

    Shirley Guy
    (714) 325-6136

    Thrift Shop

    506 West Colton Ave.
    Redlands, CA 92374
    (909) 792-2675

    Dental Center

    508 West Colton Ave.
    Redlands, CA 92374
    (909) 792-9430

    Assisteens Auxiliary

    Kathy Miller
    Assisteens Coordinator
    (619) 517-4074
    [email protected]
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    Assistance League Redlands